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The Hooks mentioned here are specifically made to work for concrete walls. These aren’t recommended for Drywall, Bricks, Plasterboards or Gypsym Panels. For Gypsym Panels we recommend this product gypsum hanger.
The hook dimension depends on the weight on the object you plan to hang on the hook.
The hooks for concrete walls are suitable for lighter objects that are to be attached to a wall, such as a painting, mirror or decoration.
* This concrete hook size: 14-22 is recommended for about 0.1-1.5 kg.
* This concrete hook size: 16-29 is recommended for about 1-3 kg.
* This concrete hook size 20-39 is recommended for about 3-4 kg.
For heavier objects than stated above, a standard screw with a plug is recommended, which means that you need to drill. Note! The size of the drill need to match the specifications of your screw and plug.
Make sure you have a hammer available.
* Measure out and mark where on the wall the hook is to be mounted.
* Place the hook over the mark and hit the pins hard with the hammer.
* The hook is now in place, ready to carry the desired picture, painting, mirror or decoration.
* Take a hammer, chisel or a slotted screwdriver.
* Carefully pry off the hook, a little at a time from different directions.
* The hook should come off relatively easily and only leave small holes from the pins. If you want to get rid of these, a small click of putty adapted for concrete walls can be applied.